Ved å kjøpe lisenser til kurset "Basic fire safety", vil du motta lisenskoder på e-post, som du kan distribuere til dine engelskspråklige kolleger. Etter gjennomført kjøp, vil du motta en e-post med instruksjoner som forklarer hvordan hver kursdeltaker kan registrere sin lisens og få tilgang til kurset.
Dersom du ønsker å kjøpe direktetilgang kun til deg selv, er det enklere å kjøpe direktetilgang.
By purchasing licenses for the "Basic Fire Safety" course, you will receive license codes via email, which you can distribute to your English-speaking colleagues. After completing the purchase, you will receive an email with instructions explaining how each course participant can register their license and access the course.
If you wish to purchase direct access only for yourself, it is easier to buy direct access.
Course Description: Basic fire safety (English version of the "Grunnleggende brannvern" course). This course is essential to ensure that employees and regular building users are well-prepared to prevent fires and act correctly in case a fire occurs. The course helps to fulfill the requirements in the fire prevention regulations for documented training in fire prevention and firefighting.
Target Audience: Employees of companies and organizations, as well as regular building users.
Participation Requirements: No prior knowledge is necessary.
Course Content:
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the basic principles of fire prevention and firefighting. Through the course, participants will learn about:
- Basic Fire Prevention: How to identify and reduce fire risks.
- Causes of Fire: Common sources of fire and how to avoid them.
- Passive Fire Protection Measures: Building solutions that limit fire spread.
- Fire Detection: Different types of alarms and detection systems that detect fires.
- Automatic Suppression Systems: Systems that activate automatically in case of fire, such as sprinkler systems.
- Manual Firefighting: Use of fire extinguishers and other manual methods.
- Actions in Case of Fire: What to do if a fire occurs, including evacuation routines and alerting authorities.
- Final Exam: The course concludes with an exam to ensure participants have understood and remember the key elements of the course.
Certificate: Upon passing the exam, participants will receive a certificate via email.
Duration: Approximately 30 minutes.